St Peter's Church of England Primary School

member of Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust

Cromwell Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7SG

0113 2934411


Knowledge Mats

Our subject leaders and teachers have looked closely to identify well-chosen knowledge and vocabulary for each topic that we want children to learn, understand and remember. Click below to find out more.

Year 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6

Spanish Vowel Song

In Year 5 we have been applying our knowledge of the Spanish vowels. The children were set the challenge of learning this Spanish song all about the vowels off by heart. It was tough and only two children managed the song in full. What an achievement! Well done.


In Year 5 we've been learning the phonics of ca, co, cu. The children had to work in pairs to practise the sounds. Some letters were then removed to make it trickier. They still did very well with this extra challenge - watch the here: IMG_0315.MOV 

Spanish Cooking for Class 3
Today, as part of DT and Spanish, all of the children made Chickpea and Chorizo stew which is a traditional Spanish dish.  We learnt the ingredients and some of the quantities in Spanish.  
Spanish Cooking - Pan Con Tomate
In our cookery lessons this half term, we are cooking traditional Spanish food. Whilst preparing the food, the class 2 children talked about Spain and food in Spain. They learnt, spoke and repeated some Spanish words:
Pan - Bread
Ajo - Garlic
Aceite - Oil  
Sal - Salt
Delantal - Apron 
Cuchara - Spoon 
Cuchillo - Knife 
Rallador - Grater

Spanish Salsa Day

On Thursday 24th November we had a visit from Pedro, a Cuban salsa teacher. He did not speak any English so we had to communicate with him in Spanish. He gave everyone in KS2 a half hour salsa lesson which was great fun. Most children understood the numbers he used, forwards and backwards, left and right. He then came into each class and we were able to ask him all sorts of questions and Mrs.Wilkinson translated. Year 6 asked their questions in Spanish.

Here is class 5 learning a dance and listening to and following the instructions in Spanish. 

Class 5 learning more about Pedro...