Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our Core Offer for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
St Peter’s Church of England Primary School is an inclusive school where everyone is committed to working to meet the individual needs of all children. We aim to identify any barriers to learning that may exist and provide any support required in order for all children to achieve their full potential, regardless of ability, race, culture, gender or social background.
What do I do if I think my child or young person may have special educational needs?
If you are worried about any aspect of your child’s development, speak to their class teacher. You may also contact the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Miss Parry. Either call into school, phone on 0113 2934411 or email (sarah.parry@stpeterscofe.org.uk).
We identify children’s needs from regular analysis of attainment and progress data, observations, discussions with teachers during pupil progress meeting, from information from other staff working closely with the children, information from a range of professional experts and of course from information shared by parents.
We are able to refer to a range of outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist and Complex Needs Service. We are also able to refer to the Guidance and Support Team which is able to provide a wide range of support including behavioural support, counselling or other therapies.
We are able to signpost to a wide range of outside agencies to ensure the best possible support is provided.
How will school support my child or young person’s learning?
Support for all children is set out on provision maps for each class and highlights any additional help or interventions for individuals.
We have employed a range of skilled staff to provide appropriate support including additional teachers, learning support assistants and learning mentors. Many of our staff are trained to deliver specific interventions or are specialised in areas such as speech and language support and autism.
In addition to receiving high quality first teaching, children’s needs may be met through additional help in class, in intervention groups or 1:1 through support.
In some cases children may receive additional support from other professionals e.g. our Speech and Language Therapist or Educational Psychologist etc. Parents will be kept informed about the support their child receives.
Where appropriate, children may have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or Special Needs Support Plans to highlight key targets for children to work towards and the provision in place to support them to achieve the targets.
School tracking data and analysis monitors children’s progress and this is discussed with the class teacher at pupil progress meetings with the Head teacher or Deputy.
Mr Chris Walbank is our named Governor for SEND alongside Ms Micaela Jackson. A comprehensive report to Governors is written annually (see link to the report below) to inform of the progress of children with SEND and developments in ways we support these children. The report is discussed in Pupil and Curriculum Governor Sub Committee meetings and available to read on our school website.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child or young person’s needs?
We match the curriculum to children’s needs in a variety of ways. Children may be grouped according to ability and lessons will be differentiated to ensure the needs of all abilities of children in the class in are met.
In addition, children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) may have more focused support within class by a member of support staff or the intervention teacher. This may be within a small group or on a 1:1 basis.
We have a range of provision to support a wide range of needs including learning needs, speech and language therapy, fine and gross motor development, behavioural and emotional support etc.
If the child has a particular difficulty with an area of the curriculum additional intervention programmes are implemented
How accessible is the school?
Our building is on one level and all areas are fully accessible. We have an accessible toilet. We have a range of ICT equipment designed to support children with physical needs. We provide appropriate accommodation for visiting specialist staff to work with children in school. We have a Sensory Room and a classroom designed to support the needs of children with complex communication difficulties or Autism
We are committed to working with parents and professionals to identify and provide where possible, any additional equipment or adaptations that may be required.
How will I know how well my child or young person is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?
Parent’s Evenings are held twice a year for parents and carers to meet with teachers to discuss progress and an annual report is sent at the end of the school year. Parents and carers are always welcome to speak to teachers throughout the year should the need arise.
Children with more complex needs and/or who receive Funding for Inclusion (FFI)/Early Years FFI (EYFFI) have regular Inclusion and SEN Additional Support Reviews to identify progress made, areas for further support and next steps.
IEPs, SEN Support Plans and information from professionals involved in a child’s provision are sent home or discussed with parents.
Miss Parry (Deputy Head/SENCO) meets with parents/carers on a regular basis to discuss their child’s progress and identify ways for parents to support their child at home.
Parents are also invited to meet with professionals who may work with their child e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist etc.
We run a range of courses for parents to identify ways they can support their children’s learning. Teachers also meet with parents at the beginning of the school year to let them know about what to expect over the year, discuss routines, homework, reading etc. We also run some support sessions for parents of children with specific needs such as Autism.
What support will there be for my child or young person’s overall well–being and social, emotional and behavioural development?
Our school has a very caring ethos and all staff are committed to supporting overall well-being and social, emotional and behavioural development. We follow ‘The Golden Rules’ right across school and this results in their being a clear and consistent approach to encouraging positive behaviour. Our former School Chaplain visits school on a regular basis and provides valuable support to children, families and staff. Our school motto is ‘We Care’ and this underpins everything we do at school.
Our Parental Support Adviser is able to offer support for a range of family difficulties and is available throughout the day to provide immediate support as well as being responsible for monitoring attendance.
We members of staff who are able to speak a range of languages including those that are our most common within the school community. We also use the translation service when necessary.
We are closely involved with the Inner East Cluster which is able to offer a wide range of support including behavioural support, counselling or other therapy.
2 members of staff are Designated Child Protection Officers (Miss Parry & Mrs Swailes) and Miss Parry is also the Designated Teacher for Children Looked After.
Children with medical needs are well supported through Health Care Plans. Specific staff are trained in certain areas and we regularly liaise with the school nurse or health visitors.
What services and expertise are available or accessed by the school, including staff with specific specialist knowledge/qualifications?
Several staff are trained to deliver a variety of programmes such as Speech and Language Therapy, Numicon, Seasons for Growth (Bereavement and Loss), Intensive Interaction, Colourful Semantics, Early Talk Boost and Talk Boost. We aim to ensure that staff delivering specific intervention programmes are competent and confident in their delivery.
We work with a range of agencies including School Nursing Team, Educational Psychology Team, Complex Needs Service, Speech and Language Therapy, STARs Team (Autism), Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team (DAHIT). We currently buy in additional support from Speech and Language Therapy for one day per week because of the high level of communication need in school.
We are able to access a range of support from the Inner East Cluster who offer a range of services including behavioural support, counselling and other therapies.
What training and development is done by staff supporting those with SEND?
Recent training includes Autism Awareness training (all staff), Speech and Language Therapy, Lego Therapy, Spelling and Literacy Difficulties including Phonics, Numicon, Colourful Semantics, training in a range of medical needs including Epipen training, Gastrostomy Tube training and Diabetes.
2 members of staff have received Tier 2 AET School Age Good Autism Practice and Tier 3 AET School Age Extending and Enhancing Good Autism Practice.
Courses run by the Local Authority are accessed including those run by the Speech and Language Therapy Service and STARs team.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
The school is fully inclusive and as such is committed to ensuring that all children with SEND are fully involved in all aspects of the curriculum and activities.
Meetings with parents and children would be held prior to any residential trips to identify any additional support that would be required to ensure any potential barriers to participation can be overcome. Where appropriate, staff would be trained in assisting with any medical needs.
How will the school help children and young people transfer to the next phase of education?
Transition work is included as part of the curriculum to support children in their transition to high school. Meetings are held with high school staff including SENCOs and pastoral staff and thorough discussions take place to outline children’s individual needs. Records including SEN documents are passed on and additional visits are organised for those children identified as being vulnerable. Additional visits for parent/carers can also be organised.
Our Parental Support Adviser and translator can offer practical help from assisting parents with high school applications to providing guidance on transport. The Deputy Head/SENCO will arrange a meeting with parents of children with SEND well in advance of high school application time to discuss their child’s needs at high school. Parents are also encouraged to contact Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Support Service (SENDIASS) for support.
How are the school’s resources/funding allocated and matched to children’s needs?
Meetings are held regularly with senior staff to identify the allocation of funding, staff and other resources. The needs of the individual child will be of paramount importance to ensure the best form of provision is put in place. External advice and the views of parents and carers may also be sought.
Services may be purchased to support needs such as additional Speech and Language Therapy hours.
We have employed extra teachers to support additional learning needs to ensure that the children receive quality interventions.
How are parents and carers involved in the school?
We are very keen to encourage parents and carers to be actively involved in their children’s education. Class teachers are always available at the end of the school day when the children are collected. The head teacher and deputy head/SENCO are generally at the school gate at the beginning and end of the school day and meet children and parents as they arrive.
Parents are encouraged to attend class assemblies, Wednesday Worship, school concerts and special events as well as meet with teachers for Parent’s Evenings two times per year. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher if they have any concerns that need addressing swiftly.
Parents of children with SEN who wish to discuss their children’s needs and progress are
encouraged to talk with Miss Parry (Deputy Head/SENCO).
Who can I contact for further information?
To apply for a school place please contact Mrs Hick (School Office Manager) on 0113 2934411, email jo.hick@stpeterscofe.org.uk or call into school.
To discuss something about your child, speak to their class teacher in the first instance. Following this speak to Miss Parry (Deputy Head/SENCO) or Mrs Holliday (Head teacher).
Miss Parry is our SENCo - email sarah.parry@stpeterscofe.org.uk
For issues regarding Family Support please contact Mrs Swailes (Parental Support Adviser on 0113 2934411, email Christine.swailes@stpeterscofe.org.uk or call into school.
Access to wider information or support regarding SEN can be found by contacting
Leeds SEND Information Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) on 0113 3785020 or emailing sendiass@leeds.gov.uk or visit their website www.leedssendiass.co.uk.
To find out more about the Leeds Local Offer look at the web page www.leeds.gov.uk/localoffer
What should I do if I am unhappy about something at school?
The first thing to do if you are unhappy with something at school is to speak to your child’s class teacher and/or Miss Parry the school SENCO. If you are still unhappy, you should talk to the head teacher.
If you cannot resolve a problem informally, ask for a copy of the school’s complaints procedure or look at it on our website in the ‘Policies’ section.
Advice for parents may also be sought from Leeds Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice Support Service (Leeds SEND IASS). You can contact Leeds SENDIASS by telephoning 0113 3785020, emailing sendiass@leeds.gov.uk or visit their website www.leedssendiass.co.uk.
Some useful documents
Click below to find out more about how we support children with SEND and their parents, carers and siblings.
Rainbow Class
We have a purpose built classroom to support our children with Complex Communication Difficulties and Autism.
Rainbow Class includes a sensory room which combines a range of stimuli to help children develop and engage their senses. These can include lights, colours, sounds and sensory toys.
Our sensory room provides a safe and comfortable environment that allows the child using it to explore and interact and is a great therapy for children with communication difficulties.
We are very grateful of the very generous support from our friends at Rotary Club, Headingly for heling us to to purchase some of the sensory equipment.
Leeds SEND Parent's and Carers Events
There are lots of regular events to support families of children with SEND. Look below for the range of activities available.
Parent's Language Support Group
We have meetings, led by our Speech and Language Therapist, to look at different aspects of language development and autism and ways to support the children.
Other useful links
Leeds SENSIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support Service)
Leeds SENDIASS provides information and support for parents and carers of children with SEND.
Speech and Language Therapy (Leeds NHS)
There is a lot of useful information on how to support children with Speech and Language difficulties. The Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit has a really good set of downloadable resources.
Archived documents...
SEN Report to Governors 2022-23
SEN Report to Governors 2021-22