St Peter's Church of England Primary School

member of Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust

Cromwell Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7SG

0113 2934411


Children are expected to be in full uniform, with tie, every day.

For girls this is navy skirt or trousers (if you can't get navy, grey will do), white shirt, tie and navy jumper or cardigan. In the summer, girls can wear blue and white summer dresses.

For Boys this is grey trousers, white shirt, tie and navy jumper. In the summer boys may wear polo shirts instead of a shirt and tie.

All children must have black pumps in school every day and they must bring their PE kits on the days they have PE (this can be left on their pegs in the cloakroom).

Please read our Uniform Policy here.

We sell a lot of the uniform in school, below is a pricelist. This can all be bought from the school office.